Sunday church service and Sunday School
Services & Meetings
Sunday service begins at noon
Sunday school begins at 1:15 pm
Wednesday meeting begins at noon
Reading room
Wednesdays 11:00 - 12:00 pm
1:00 - 3:00 pm
730 S Hope Street
Los Angeles, CA 90017
Free Parking
“I will give you pastors according to mine heart,
which shall feed you with knowledge and understanding.””
Many churchgoers at Christian Science Sunday services have experienced spiritual uplift, regeneration, and healing as they have listened with their hearts to the truths read about their intact relationship to their Father-Mother God. All are welcome to join our Sunday Church Service in Los Angeles, CA.
The Founder of the Christian Science church, Mary Baker Eddy, discovered that Jesus' healing ministry was invariably effective because it was based on spiritual yet undeniable laws – the laws of God's unerring government. Her discovery shed clear light on Christianity as scientifically provable, both for healing physical disorders and for character reformation in healing sin. After much prayerful listening for divine direction, Mrs. Eddy ordained a "dual" pastor to preach without personal comment. She wrote,
"Your dual and impersonal pastor, the Bible, and 'Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures,' is with you; and the Life these give, the Truth they illustrate, the Love they demonstrate, is the great Shepherd that feedeth my flock, and leadeth them 'beside the still waters."
“In Thy house securely dwelling,
Where Thy children live to bless,
Seeing only Thy creation,
We can share Thy happiness,
Share Thy joy and spend it freely.
Loyal hearts can feel no fear;
We Thy children know Thee, Father,
Love and Life forever near.””
The Christian Science church service is an active expression of the powerful unity of good that God imparts. Church helps reveal our natural, spiritual perfection. The result is healing of mind and body, often right in the service.
* Sunday School classes are available for students up to the age of twenty. The lessons we teach come from the Bible, the Ten Commandments, The Lord’s Prayer, and The Beatitudes. As students grow in their understanding, the next lessons consist of such questions and answers as are found in our weekly Bible Lesson Sermons. For older students we conduct discussion-based classes on the Bible and the Christian Science textbook and how to apply their timeless lessons to contemporary life.